
@JRNY365 4TH Episode, “706: Torture & Molestation Under The Guise of Christianity”

@JRNY365 Host Patrick A. Kelly speaks on the abuse he and his siblings suffered by the hands of his mother and stepfather, and how God was there with him through all the trauma and his deliverance. “We went through hell and one of my siblings died because of the abuse, but through God’s grace and mercy; I became a better man despite of it.” -Patrick A. Kelly



Topic: “706: Torture & Molestation Under The Guise of Christianity”
Title: @JRNY365
Publisher: 1PKC Media & Publishing Partners
Release Date: Sept 30, 2023

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@JRNY365 4TH Episode, “706: Torture & Molestation Under The Guise of Christianity”

EP. 1 “706: Torture & Molestation Under The Guise of Christianity”

Host Patrick A. Kelly speaks on the abuse he and his siblings suffered by the hands of his mother and stepfather, and how God was there with him through all the trauma and his deliverance. “We went through hell and one of my siblings died because of the abuse, but through God’s grace and mercy; I became a better man despite of it.” -Patrick A. Kelly

JOIN US next week as we will have a special guest, Donna Kelly, my sister and best friend, who will provide more context to the two-part episode, “706: Torture and Molestation under The Guise of Christianity.” Donna Kelly is the owner and sole proprietor of D’Angelette Studio and Fashion Design, Catonsville, MD. Visit D’Angelette online at www.dkangelette.com.


About @JRNY Podcast

The @JRNY365 Podcast endeavors to help ordinary people reveal and chronicle past traumas or spiritual and life-changing experiences that made them who they are today – for better or worse. Gain insight through discussion, let go of any adverse effects, and receive deliverance from God through shared testimonies with liked minds and expert opinions.

Patrick A. Kelly Chronicles His Life – His Journey In Ep 2 , “706: Torture & Molestation Under The Guise of Christianity.” Read portions of the transcript below.

“We were plunged into hell to be devoured by a false idea of safety and protection, by a birth mother and a child predator, a devouring and corrupt soul. This soul thrived on self-gratification and sexual pleasures, even at the expense of their flesh and blood. They come
in together, formed a bond of decay, lies, nastiness, plain evil that tarnished our tender little souls, depriving us of love, honor and care in exchange for fear, suffering, sexual and mental abuse, and deep unhappiness.”

“Can you even use the word mother to identify such a person lacking sincerity and respect
for herself and others, she was cursed by the past and demoralised by the wickedness inside her. But no one outside of our family knew this person, because she created an idea of a person wrapping herself in the Word of God and seemingly cloaked from head to toe, shielded with the Saint James Version. This action is the main reason why I walked away from the church in my early 20s. “

“When I titled this episode, I wanted it to indicate the past and encompass all the hell we as children experienced. Thus, the title 706: Torture and Molestation Under The Guise of Christianity.” The number 706 is the house number where we all grew up – our prison and misery, and the horrible imagery still lingering with us today.”


“Having two additional mouths to feed and girls in the house worsen things. My mother would pick on and beat up my older sisters, Lisa and Vickie. She would also beat my sister Donna and me. I remember how she used to box Lisa and pick on her for no reason. One day she hit Vicki with a two by four, but that wasn’t anything new as we all got beatings with switches, tree branches, extension cords, pieces of wood, pots, frying pans and hot irons; and they
weren’t beating clothes either. See, they didn’t believe in beating clothes. Instead they made us get bug naked and then they would beat us. But this was just a ploy. See, my stepfather came up with a scheme of beating us without clothing because he wanted to see the girls naked, especially when they were midteens with budding bodies.”

“My mother would pit my sister Donna and me against our stepsisters to war and fight with them. And while all that was going on, my stepdad was molesting my sister Donna and
older sisters Lisa, his blood. He molested Vicky. who was also his blood. “

“I can remember my sister Donna, telling our mother what our stepdad did and was doing to her, and my mother cussed her out and called her a liar. She did the same to Lisa and Vicky. Our mother had the idea that because her husband was touching the girls, especially because they were older, they were trying to have her man. He also tried to molest two of my sister’s girlfriends, one of my girl cousins and my youngest aunt.” -Patrick A. Kelly

Podcast episodes, “The Message,” “A Tainted Lil Soul” and Prediction

About @JRNY365

Based on the five core principles (Honesty, Humility, Celibacy, Spirituality, and Deliverance), and through insight and storytelling, future guests will chronicle their lives (outlining incidents as sub-plots) as the star of their entire season – being six or more episodes. From the first traumatic or spiritual experience to the last occasion that solidifies who they are today, the guest can identify and tell the story of what happened in each event – a sub-plot. At the same time, the host, Patrick A. Kelly, asks follow-up or probing questions to get to the jest of the incidents.

Finding Healing and Deliverance Through Spiritual Podcasts: A Beacon of Hope

In a world where countless individuals carry the weight of past traumas and seek spiritual solace, the emergence of spiritual podcasts has become a powerful source of healing and deliverance. These podcasts offer a unique platform for ordinary people to find solace, connect with their faith, and embark on a journey towards healing and wholeness through God.


1. Accessibility and Inclusivity:

Spiritual podcasts break down the barriers of physical locations and congregations. They are readily accessible to anyone with an internet connection, making them an inclusive medium for people of all backgrounds, ages, and walks of life. This accessibility ensures that no one is left behind, and all have the opportunity to find solace and deliverance through their faith.

2. Safe and Supportive Environment:

Many individuals who have experienced past traumas often struggle to share their pain openly. Spiritual podcasts provide a safe and non-judgmental environment where listeners can relate to the stories and experiences of others. Knowing they are not alone in their struggles, listeners can find the courage to confront their own traumas and seek healing through God.

3. Guidance and Wisdom:


Spiritual podcasts often feature experienced speakers, pastors, or counselors who offer guidance and wisdom rooted in faith. These experts provide practical advice, biblical insights, and spiritual practices that help individuals navigate their past traumas. Listeners can draw from this well of wisdom to find strength and clarity on their path to deliverance.

4. Testimonies of Transformation:

One of the most inspiring aspects of spiritual podcasts is the testimonies shared by ordinary people who have overcome their past traumas through their faith in God. These personal stories serve as beacons of hope, showing listeners that recovery and deliverance are possible. Hearing others’ journeys towards healing can inspire faith and determination in those who are still struggling.

5. Prayer and Meditation:

Many spiritual podcasts incorporate guided prayers and meditations that help individuals connect with their spirituality on a deeper level. These practices can be immensely comforting and provide a sense of peace to those burdened by past traumas. Prayer and meditation serve as powerful tools for healing and deliverance.


6. Community and Connection:

Listening to a spiritual podcast can create a sense of community and connection. Listeners can engage with others who share their faith and experiences through online forums, social media, or live events related to the podcast. This sense of belonging can be a crucial part of the healing process, as individuals find support and encouragement from like-minded individuals.

7. Renewed Faith and Hope:

One of the most profound impacts of spiritual podcasts is the renewal of faith and hope. As individuals immerse themselves in teachings, stories, and practices rooted in their faith, they often experience a deep sense of hope and purpose. This renewed faith can be a guiding light on their path to deliverance from past traumas.

Spiritual podcasts have become a vital resource for ordinary people seeking healing and deliverance from past traumas through their faith in God. Their accessibility, safe environment, guidance, and stories of transformation offer a path towards wholeness that was previously out of reach for many. These podcasts not only provide solace but also inspire renewed faith and hope, showing that even in the darkest of times, healing and deliverance are possible through the power of spirituality.


More information on @JRNY365 Podcast:
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Content provided by: 1PKC Media & Publishing Partners
Photo Credit: @ephriamsphotography

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